
Emotional Healing Therapies

Nowadays clinical stress, anxiety and depression affect approximately 300 million people worldwide. Tens of millions more suffer from bouts of the blues. Even these large numbers do not capture the real extent to which today’s smart, sensitive people are burdened by a sadness that is neither biological nor psychological in nature. 

Many factors can contribute to the stress you experience, and this stress can cause changes in your body that affect your overall physical, mental, and emotional health. The good news is that stress, anxiety and depression are highly treatable conditions. 

However, it’s not something you can snap out of by yourself or with a magic pill, so it’s important to get professional help. How do you tell the difference between stress, depression and anxiety? They can affect you in similar ways, symptoms of depression can be much more intense. Depression causes powerful mood changes, such as painful sadness and despair. You may feel exhausted and unable to act.

The current mental health approach relies mainly on medication. However drugs can only be helpful at the beginning of treatments for the most serious and severe cases which are no more of 15% of the cases but never really work in the long term. On top of that, you will always need more medication to ease your pain, once the soothing effects have worn off, increasing the likelihood of acquiring an addiction without curing your emotional distress. 

Drugs in this sense may include painkillers, tranquillisers, alcohol and the like. On the other hand, from the holistic perspective talk therapy, emotional freedom techniques and vibrational healing therapies have proven to be very effective in the long term, because the real solution is learning to intimately deal with your true feelings no matter how unpleasant they are. This will liberate you from the hell of emotional pain. 

That is why is important to understand that there are no magic pills or short cuts. If you really want to change your life, you must change your habits and behaviour patterns. Please remember that life is not something that is done, life is a process and there is a greater part of you that seeks to express itself through you, this could be named your higher self.

Other benefits of emotional healing include:

  • Gaining a new perspective on stressful situations
  • Building skills to manage your stress
  • Reducing fear and anxiety
  • Calm your nervous system
  • Optimise your energy
  • Enhance feelings of peace and joy in life
  • Increasing patience and tolerance
  • Breakthrough limitations and obstacles
  • Cleanse your subtle body and emotions
  • De-stress and thrive, no matter the challenges that appear
  • Calming and centering yourself
  • Mindful living in everyday life
  • Expanding love and compassion
  • Solving life’s problems
  • Living a meaningful life – making your life matter
  • Manifesting your dreams
  • Increasing self-awareness
  • Focusing on the present

Quantum Flow Activation

What is Quantum Healing & how it can help you?

The world quantum has different definitions, one of them is “a unit of energy” quantum describes the tiniest discrete unit of the fluid field of consciousness or as a unit of energy, especially electromagnetic energy that is the smallest physical quantity that can exist on its own.

Quantum healing therapists raises you to the next level. It’s deep work on the inside that helps you release or let go of your limiting beliefs, blockages and the wounds of the past. It can and will be reflected in every aspect of your life and your relationships with money, friends, co-workers, heath, etc. It basically reprograms the unconscious mind.

The term “Quantum Healing” was first introduced by Deepak Chopra, M.D., in his book Quantum Healing (1989) to explain certain types of sudden and dramatic healing of the human body, such as spontaneous remissions, that are not understood by conventional medicine. These extraordinary forms of healing are related to understandings of quantum physics and of consciousness. Just as quantum physics aims to describe physical phenomena normally hidden at a subatomic level, so Quantum Healing is directed to healing the body-mind from a deep, unmanifested level of consciousness within the Quantum Mechanical body. It is an understanding that one can activate profound healing of the mind and body by consciously accessing this quantum level of our being.

Quantum Healing uses life-force energy to facilitate emotional healing. It can assist the most jaded of career-driven professional towards self-knowledge and energetic health and the simplest of people who are wanting to shake off the past limiting beliefs that are holding them back from the pathway to true happiness.

Everything in life evolves and expands and our lives improve as we invent and innovate…that’s why methods of healing need to evolve as well. Quantum Healing is about getting to the direct source of any issues and healing is swift when it is taken to the next level of awareness. The method essentially is a combination of psychology, philosophy and neurophysiology, that governs all health and well-being. Quantum Healing allows individuals to go to the next level of healing modality and see the threads of self-healing. It is truly is a way of finding that all answers lie within us. 

People come to my Quantum Healing sessions for many reasons, some come out of curiosity, some have questions about their life’s purpose, questions around family dynamics, progression within their work, or recurring, underlying stubborn health issues that have been difficult to shift with traditional, drug-based Western medicine. The goal of Quantum Healing is the restoration of our primal pristine state of internal energy flow and connectedness to the divine mind of the cosmos itself. It is a powerful, unique mindset changing tool that holistically assists growth, development and the calling in of abundance.